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If Mixed Conditional Sentences

If Mixed Conditional Sentences

2 useful if mixed conditional sentences with examples. Conditional sentences is a soul of English language which is required to use for citing example.

We have already done most of the conditional sentences in our previous blogs. But today we are going to learn “if mixed conditional sentences”

What is conditional sentence ?

ऐसा वाकया जो,, शर्त पर आधारित है, जैसे, “अगर वह आएगा, तो है फूल लाएगा।” इसी तरह के वाक्या को शर्तिया वाकया कहते हैं।

Useful if conditional sentences (Future)

Structure – 1) if + sub + v¹/v⁵ + obj, sub + will+ v¹ + obj


Structure – 2) if + sub + become + adj/ noun+ obj, sub + will+ v¹ + obj


Structure – 3) if + sub + have/ has + noun, sub + will+ v¹ + obj

Useful if Conditional Sentences (present)

Structure – 1) if + sub + v² + obj, sub + would+ v¹ + obj

If mixed conditional sentences


Structure – 2) if + sub + were + adj/noun, sub + would+ v¹ + obj


Structure – 3) if + sub + had+ noun, sub + would+ v¹ + obj


Useful if Conditional Sentences (past)

Structure – 1) if + sub + had + v³ + obj, sub + would + have+ v³ + obj

Useful if Conditional Sentences (Zero)

Structure – 1) if + simple present tense + simple present tense

Useful if mixed conditional sentences

उपरोक्त तीनों conditional sentences rule के हिसाब से structure बना है। इन सभी structure में कोई न कोई rule के अनुसार वाकया बनता है लेकिन if mixed conditional sentences में आपको इस बात की आजादी है।‌

Mixed conditional sentences में जो भी Tense या Modal Verbs आएगा उसी tense के अनुसार वाकया बनता है, जैसे नीचे कुछ उदाहरण दिया गया है।

Mixed conditional sentences

Structure – 1) if + any sentences  + any sentences


1) If it was raining, why did you go to market.

2) if you are brave, you can fight with the tiger.

3) if she is your friend, why does she not talk to you.

4. If the milk is hot, I can’t drink it.

5) if you want, you can go.

6) if he was not at home, who opened the door?

7) if it is true, I am with you.

8) If you are a student, you should work hard.

9) if she has a book, she should read everyday.

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